Can you sell Seed or Seed Sphere with max mana option in Ruud shop as sub material for upgrade seed sphere level ? We still need create seed by ourselves to get seed with good option.
Or maybe remove Ruud from big bosses reward, change ruud reward = seed sphere lv2-3 depends of boss.
-After ~2 weeks, players will have nothing to do with ruud , now i have ~ 1kk ruud.
Buy seed sphere upgrade rune ???, hard to get seed sphere lv1, not to mention seed sphere lv5 like old version.
Old version:
To create Seed Sphere lv5 need(if success rate =100%):
-seed x1
-Tetra sphere x1 , Penta sphere x1
-Jewel of chaos x11, jewel of creation x11
-Tetra Crystal(Greater) x1
This version:
To create Seed Sphere lv5 need(if success rate =100%)
-seed x16 (it mean need jewel of bless or soul x16 times)
-Sphere can buy in shop
-Jewel of chaos x31, jewel of creation x31, jewel of hamorry x16
-50>100k ruud for seed sphere upgrade rune.